Sweeping New Whistleblower Incentives and Protections in
Financial Reform Bill

On July 21, 2010, President Obama signed the Dodd-Frank
Wall Street Reform and Consumer Protection Act. The
legislation covers a wide range of topics in an effort to
address the causes of the recent turmoil in the financial
markets. It includes significant new whistleblower
protections, including the creation of SEC and CFTC
(Commodities Futures Trading Commission) whistleblower
programs, a dramatic expansion of current whistleblower
protections under the Sarbanes-Oxley Act of 2002, and a new
whistleblower cause of action for employees performing tasks
related to consumer financial products or services.
Significantly, the legislation creates alternative paths for
whistleblowers to assert their rights, often with different
and conflicting rights, procedures and remedies.
New SEC and CFTC Whistleblower Incentives and
The Dodd-Frank Act provides powerful monetary incentives
for whistleblowers to report securities and commodities law
violations to the SEC and CTFC, as well as strong protections
for doing so. The legislation provides for
whistleblowers who provide the respective Commissions with
original information about violations of securities or
commodities laws to be awarded a share of between 10% and 30%
of monetary sanctions ultimately imposed by the Commissions
that exceed $1 million.
The Act also prohibits employer retaliation against
whistleblowers who provide information to the SEC or CFTC,
assist in any investigation or legal action of the SEC or CFTC
related to such information, or engage in any other protected
activity under the Sarbanes-Oxley Act. An employee
claiming retaliation under Dodd-Frank may bring an action
directly in federal district court (as opposed to the
procedure under SOX, where a complainant is first required to
file an administrative complaint with the Department of Labor,
By allowing whistleblowers (defined by the Act as
individuals who have reported a violation to the Commissions)
to file complaints of retaliation for SOX-protected activity
directly in federal court, the Dodd-Frank Act would appear to
permit such employees to bypass the OSHA administrative
process completely and go directly to court, an option many
employees may prefer given the high percentage of
jurisdictional dismissals and the low number of merit findings
by OSHA on SOX whistleblower claims. Moreover, the
potential for the recovery of whistleblower "incentives" under
Dodd-Frank will also likely result in less use of the DOL's
SOX complaint procedure.
In sharp contrast to SOX's previous 90-day statute of
limitations, the statute of limitations under these provisions
of the Dodd-Frank Act has been dramatically expanded: for
whistleblowers who engage in SEC-related whistleblower conduct
or other SOX-protected activity, an action must be filed
either within six years after the date when the violation
occurs or within three years after the date "facts material to
the right of action are known or reasonably should have been
known by the employee," but not more than 10 years after the
date of the violation. This long limitations period not
only expands employers' potential liability under the Act, it
could create problems for employers who do not typically
maintain employee records for 10 years. The statute of
limitations for whistleblowers reporting violations of
commodities laws to the CFTC is a more moderate two year
Upon a finding of retaliation against a whistleblower who
has reported a violation of securities laws or engaged in
other SOX-protected activity, the Dodd-Frank Act provides for
the whistleblower's reinstatement, double back pay (as
opposed to just back pay, as under SOX), attorneys' fees and
other costs. There is no explicit provision for the
recovery of non-pecuniary damages, such as emotional distress
or loss of reputation damages. With respect to
whistleblowers who report violations of the commodities laws,
the Act provides for reinstatement, back pay (as opposed to
double back pay), and "special damages," including attorneys'
fees and costs. It is possible that "special damages" may
include at least some forms of non-pecuniary damages.
SOX cases are currently split on the issue. The Act does
not provide for recovery of punitive damages.
The CFTC whistleblower section in addition provides that
its rights and remedies "may not be waived by any agreement,
policy, form, or condition of employment, including by a
predispute arbitration agreement," and that "[n]o predispute
arbitration agreement shall be valid or enforceable, if the
agreement requires arbitration of a dispute arising under this
section." Based on this language, it appears that
employers will not be able to compel arbitration of CFTC
whistleblower claims, nor will they be able to include a
release of CFTC whistleblower claims in their general releases
or settlement agreements with employees.
The Dodd-Frank Act requires the SEC to establish a separate
office within the Commission to administer and enforce the
Act's whistleblower provisions. The SEC and CFTC have
270 days from the passage of the Act to issue final
regulations implementing these whistleblower provisions.
However, whistleblowers providing information to the SEC or
CFTC are immediately covered under the Act's bounty
provisions. That is, as long the whistleblower provides
"original information" after the Act is signed by the
President, the whistleblower will be eligible for a potential
award. Moreover, a whistleblower may receive an award
for reporting violations that occurred even prior to the
passage of the Act. Accordingly, there are concrete
steps employers should start taking now to protect themselves,
which are discussed at the end of this Alert.
Sweeping Amendments to § 1514A of the Sarbanes-Oxley
The Dodd-Frank Act expands the scope of SOX's whistleblower
protections in several key ways.
- The statute of limitations has been broadened from 90 to
180 days to file a complaint with OSHA. (The import of
this change is dwarfed, however, by the Act's six-year
statute of limitations to bring such claims directly in
federal court.)
- SOX plaintiffs are now entitled to a jury trial, which
was an unsettled question under SOX case law.
- Non-publicly traded subsidiaries of publicly traded
companies are now covered by SOX, by amendment to the
definition of "publicly traded company" to include any
"subsidiary or affiliate whose financial information is
included in the consolidated financial statements of such
company." Prior to this amendment, the Department of
Labor took the position that employees of non-publicly
traded subsidiaries were generally not covered by the Act
absent a showing of a substantial nexus between the parent
and subsidiary, substantially narrowing the scope of
- "Nationally recognized statistical ratings
organizations" are now covered by SOX, so employees of these
organizations will now have the benefit of SOX whistleblower
- Pre-dispute arbitration agreements will no longer be
enforceable under SOX (except perhaps in the collective
bargaining agreement context), nor will the rights and
remedies under SOX be capable of waiver by agreement.
This means that employers will no longer be able to compel
arbitration under SOX, nor will they be able to include a
release of SOX claims in their general releases or
settlement agreements with employees.
New Consumer Financial Whistleblower Protections
The Dodd-Frank Act also creates a new whistleblower cause
of action for employees performing tasks related to the
offering or provision of consumer financial products or
services. Section 1057 of the Act prohibits retaliation
against employees who provide information to their employers
or to the government they reasonably believe to be a violation
of the Consumer Financial Protection Act of 2010 (which is
Title X of the Dodd-Frank Act) or any other provision of law
subject to the jurisdiction of the Bureau of Consumer
Financial Protection, which Bureau is to be established under
the Act. This provision also protects employees who
object to, or refuse to participate in, any activity that the
employee reasonably believes to be a violation of any law,
rule, or standard of the Bureau, who testify in proceedings
relating to same, or who file, institute or cause to be filed
any proceeding under any Federal consumer financial law.
Aggrieved employees are required to file a complaint with the
Secretary of Labor within 180 days of an alleged violation,
and the DOL's procedure for handling such complaints, as well
as the burdens of proof, remedies, and ability of a
complainant to file an action in federal district court and
demand a jury trial, are somewhat similar to the scheme to
which employers have become accustomed under SOX.
Next Steps for Employers
In light of these important changes to the landscape of
employee whistleblower protections, including the strong
monetary incentives provided to employees to report compliance
issues to the SEC and CFTC, employers would be well served to
review their internal whistleblower procedures and policies as
soon as possible to ensure that they require internal
reporting and the maximum opportunity to address compliance
concerns before employees provide information to federal
agencies in pursuit of generous bounties. In addition,
subsidiaries and affiliates of publicly traded companies who
will now be covered by SOX should review, and if necessary,
enhance, as well as train line management in, their existing
anti-retaliation procedures to protect against SOX
whistleblower claims by their employees.
